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When the Wine is your Business

Quini Introduces Low Cost Wine Sensory Consumer Data Reports

Instantly downloadable from Quini’s website, QUINI DATA Bronze offers innovative, interactive analytics reports that focus on single market segments and categories such as a grape varietal, wine type, demographic consumer groups and geographic markets.

The Bronze solution delivers highly targeted insight at an accessible price point, ensuring wineries of virtually any size around the world who need to better understand the North American wine consumer, can access Quini’s unique consumer sensory data to enhance decision making accuracy and speed.

“One winery at a time, we have been helping the wine industry to transition from a producer-centered market to a consumer oriented one,” said Roger Noujeim, Quini’s CEO. “QUINI DATA Bronze is a path to accelerating this transition by helping wineries of any size to affordably access Quini data to make more precise decisions, fast. The idea that consumer research is out of reach, is time consuming or is just for the very large wineries, should no longer be an obstacle. More wineries can now become data driven.”

Four initial reports have been released today, offering consumer sensory and attitudinal feedback on several popular wine varietals and types. 

Website visitors can choose from a set of reports by tapping the See Interactive Experience button in the Bronze solutions area on the home page. Users can tap or click on any report to experience an interactive sample and read more about what is in the report, before making a purchase.

The reports include multiple analytics dashboards with a macro view related to the subject of the report. Included as well are product-specific sensory analysis dashboards covering dozens of household name national and international wine brands, with consumer feedback on those products in several key markets in North America.

Attitudinal insight covering consumer expectations prior to tasting a product, price sentiment and willingness to recommend a wine complete the high value reports. Sensory analysis and competitive benchmarks show consumer product preferences and highlight aspects of a wine that boost or drag it down. The insight is designed to help answer both business and product related questions, to help eliminate guesswork from critical decisions. Such as vintage profile consistency, what makes a certain well known product as successful, if a wine appeals more to a certain demographic, if consumer perception of a product may point to a marketing, branding or public relations challenge, if a product meets consumer expectations, if a shift in style or even colour is advantageous, or why a brand has been consistently losing sales.

“The Bronze solution is for wine marketers and industry stakeholders who need answers right now on a specific category, product or issue, leveraging data that is already in Quini’s systems,” added Noujeim.