The Wine Blog

When the Wine is your Business

Public Relations are nowadays consolidated in the wine sector

In the wine sector, the skills of public relations professionals are now vital and stable, since, unlike in the past, companies are called to deal with new classes of publics and targets, which require the satisfaction of new needs, with authentic experiences and desire for strong emotions.One of these needs is about trust, a fundamental pillar for the maintenance of the relationship between brand and consumer, then translated into advocacy.

When communicating wine, it is essential to make the consumer live an experience that acts on emotions and on final well-being. Therefore it is important to tell the story of a wine associating it to the territory of origin and to its traditions because wine, the only product “extracted” from the land of production, is the purest expression of the character of the people living in that territory and it is the best way to make the consumer live an experience and to make him/her participate in the construction of his/her own wellness.

This is also reflected in brand strategies and policies. Moreover, in such a highly competitive and fragmented context, knowing how to communicate in a simple way is crucial and means keeping up with the needs of today’s consumers, who are increasingly quick in their choices but, at the same time, more aware and independent. The brands that are most rewarded by the market are precisely those that have clearly defined their “brand promise” and address the consumer directly.

Public Relations play therefore a fundamental role in the world of wine and represents an essential way to bring to the eyes of the general public the values, traditions and know-how which distinguish companies having an important history behind them.