The Wine Blog

When the Wine is your Business

Wine tourism, an effective way to communicate wines and their territories

From the desk of Carmelo Cutuli, Italy
From the desk of Carmelo Cutuli, Italy

Wine is a precious good not only for its qualities related to taste and sharing, but it also gathers tradition, wisdom and culture of the territories producing it.

Wine Communication, in domestic market and abroad, becomes a competence that can bring value not only to the product itself but also to the image of a territory, in terms of quality, creativity and awareness.

In order to communicate a territory through wine it is necessary to create an enotouristic product which meets the needs and the standard of services required by customers, because without a product to be commercialized the promotion is completely ineffective.

Wine tourism is one of the most interesting segments to be developed in countries having a tourist attraction thanks to cultural heritage, landscape and enogastronomical productions. The same factors that attract wine tourists to wineries.

If on one hand, therefore, the agricultural sector and typical enogastronomical productions cannot be ignored by measures which promote and encourage quality agriculture, and in particular viticulture which focuses on autochthonous vines and respect for the environment, it is also true that a tourist destination has everything to gain by promoting its territory through wine products which over the years have obtained prestigious international awards.